Ever find yourself in the whirlwind of high achievement, where success seems to come at the cost of fulfillment, and the pursuit of perfection leaves you exhausted?

It's a tale many high achievers know well:

You weave through your career, trying to meet the expectations of others, only to find success that feels hollow, lacking the joy you expected.

Boundaries blur as burnout sets in, driven by a relentless need to uphold standards that feel impossible to meet.

Analysis paralysis creeps in, freezing you in fear of making the wrong move, while imposter syndrome whispers that you're not worthy of seeking help.


If you're nodding along, you've likely tried to break free from these patterns. You've attempted to shed bad habits, care less about external judgments, and explore every avenue... yet, the results remain elusive.

So, what's the missing link?

The real battle isn't just against these behaviors - it's about the beliefs beneath the behaviors.

Let me explain with an example: you can learn everything there is to know about how to set boundaries. You can take courses, read books, hype yourself up… But if you fundamentally believe that saying “no” to things at work makes you a “bad team player”? You’ll never actually set those boundaries.

Beliefs are the key to behavior change, and that’s why it’s crucial we start with mindset.

Now, if “changing your mindset” sounds great but also super confusing, don’t panic! As a coach for high achievers, I’ve spent the last 7 years teaching high achievers this process, and I can teach you too. 

Picture what life without pressure could feel like. Where you finally feel empowered and at peace. Imagine a career that gracefully integrates with your life, so you no longer feel like a “worker who persons”, but instead like a “person who works”. It's about rewriting the script, easing the pressure, and creating a career that's a natural part of your life, not the entire story.

Ready to shift your mindset and change your life?


The self-guided program to help high achievers unleash their self-sabotaging behaviors, crush their career pressures, and pave the way to authentic success.

This digital course takes you through my step-by-step process to identify, unpack, and reframe the pressure you feel in your career, so you can finally find peace.

What some of our Achievers have to say...


“Do not hesitate to work with Chris. [Before working together] I didn't think I had any other option than to feel dissatisfied with work. I genuinely believed that unhappiness meant that I was building security now for future happiness. We dismantled the metaphorical chains, and Chris helped me prioritize changing my mindset and setting priorities that aligned with my values and what I really needed. Having someone on your team makes a huge difference. I have completely shifted and am confident in my new path.”


"A few things have changed for the better, but one of them was most essential in my ability to move forward: my mindset. I now have a great awareness and understanding for the beliefs I've held that would so often intervene in my ability to make decisions based on what I wanted for me. She helped me understand them, and identify ways to reframe them so that when the old beliefs are triggered, I can recognize them and move into a healthier way of thinking."


"My favorite thing about working with Chris was that she challenged me to think outside of everything that I had ever been taught in regards to my career... What this allowed me to do was conceptualize a career for me and no one else. She gave me permission to build the life that I want. Working with Chris was one of the best investments I've ever made."


eCommerce agency

"Coming from a whirlwind of a year in my career - changing jobs twice to go back to the job in the middle while trying to build this "picture perfect" career and realizing I was doing anything but - (yes it was exactly as chaotic as it sounds) I knew I needed to adjust. This work helped me adjust in ways I did not expect, without overcorrection of just giving up. It helped my mentality, while simultaneously building accountability for checking in on myself and a long term mindset that allows me to continue growing. It has taught me how to let go of building the career I felt like I "should" be building and embrace the career that I want to build for me. After this, I am happily settling into my role and my day to day responsibilities knowing I can change my mind and decide again when I am ready. This is not something I would have ever been able to do while constantly chasing that next raise, promotion, and accolade. I am able to embrace my free time well spent with family, friends and dogs - lots of them without feeling guilty about the email I left in my inbox to deal with the next day. My quality of life is exponentially higher and I feel so at peace for someone who is beyond Type A :)"


Fortune 100 CPG

"The PCS program was full of useful content and exercises that helped me deconstruct my existing career (and self) beliefs, reflect and build them back up in a way that charts my career course aligned with my purpose and who I am at my best."


"I would've still been stuck in a mindset of what I "should" be doing, if I hadn't worked with Chris. Chris provided an opportunity for me to externally process my beliefs about work in a nonjudgmental space and someone who would challenge my assumptions. "

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Mastering Mindset

    2. Meet your Coach

    3. How it works

    4. Expectations for success

    5. This might sting...

    6. Need more support?

    7. Intake Survey

    8. Kickoff Exercise: Your Commitments

    9. Let's go!

    1. High achiever basics

    2. "What if I'm not a high achiever?"

    3. Think you're alone?

    4. Core pressures

    5. EXAMPLE | Pressure Inventory

    6. EXERCISE | Pressure Inventory

    7. Fears holding you back

    1. Getting started

    2. The basics of "shoulds"

    3. EXAMPLE | Your "Shoulds"

    4. EXERCISE | Your "Shoulds"

    5. The problem with head trash

    6. Examples of head trash

    7. How Mindset Works

    8. EXAMPLE | Ideal/reality gap

    9. EXERCISE | Ideal/reality gap

    10. EXAMPLE | Cataloging your head trash

    11. EXERCISE | Cataloging your head trash

    12. Wrap up

    1. Breaking down your head trash

    2. Why this is so important

    3. How to unpack

    4. EXAMPLE | Taking out the trash

    5. Our goal for the exercise

    6. EXERCISE | Taking out the trash

    7. Wrap up

    1. Getting started

    2. Reframing 101

    3. Neuroplasticity Video

    4. How to build reframes

    5. EXAMPLE | Reframing your head trash

    6. The right amount of stretch

    7. EXERCISE | Reframing your head trash

    8. Family hand-me-downs

    9. Control & certainty

    10. Reviewing your new beliefs

    11. Changing your mindset & proof

    12. EXAMPLE | Adding proof

    13. EXERCISE | Adding proof

    14. Wrap up

    1. Introducing deep dive modules

About this course

  • 112 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

You'll walk away with:

  • A complete understanding of the most common high achiever issues I see, where they come from, and what to do about it
  • An understanding of pressure and how it holds us back
  • My complete process to identify, unpack, and reframe your  limiting beliefs, which they can use as a toolbox in the future
  • A thorough understanding of all their head trash
  • Knowledge and  exercises to unpack their limiting beliefs
  • A list of reframed healthier new beliefs that address your pressures
  • A full reference guide that gives them examples of how to unpack the most common limiting beliefs, so it can be like they're a fly on a wall in client coaching sessions