Right now, you might be:

  • Feeling disconnected from yourself…

  • Stuck on the achievement treadmill, constantly telling yourself that “after this next accomplishment” you’ll finally feel fulfilled…

  • Daydreaming about going off the grid or starting a quaint local coffee shop because you’re so burned out…

  • Wondering how your career became the center of your universe…

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many successful people find themselves caught in this cycle, feeling pressured to perform while losing sight of what truly matters to them.

But here’s the reality: you don’t have to stay stuck in this exhausting routine.

Imagine this...

What if you could take away all of the pressure and the need to impress? What if you could step off the treadmill of achievement and craft a life that truly feels good? What if, instead of constantly chasing success, you felt empowered, confident, and fully in control - living with intention and purpose?

It’s possible.

You can have:

  • A deep understanding of your values, enabling you to make authentic choices that reflect who you truly are.

  • The self-trust necessary to make bold, confident, and aligned decisions.

  • Tools to reclaim your time and energy.

  • A supportive community of individuals who understand exactly what you’re going through and are here to cheer you on.

If that sounds like exactly what you need…


Expert coaching, community, and courses for those ready to transform their lives

Designed for high performers like you who are ready to break free from burnout and unfulfillment, this powerful collection equips you with everything you need to reclaim control of your career and life.

At the heart of the Bundle is the Achiever’s Reset Framework - a proven process that guides you on your journey toward a more fulfilling career and life. This framework helps you identify and dismantle the mental roadblocks holding you back, empowering you to rediscover your passions and design a life that aligns with your true values. 

The Achiever’s Reset Framework is the backbone of the Bundle, providing a comprehensive roadmap for transforming your career and life. The workbook introduces you to the framework and its key principles. With this foundational knowledge, you’ll be equipped to dive into everything the Bundle has to offer, ensuring a fully integrated and truly empowering experience.

Here’s what you’ll receive:

  • The Achiever’s Reset Workbook

  • Our deep dive courses: Mastering Mindset, Purpose Chaser School, Success on Your Terms, and Empowered Interviewing

  • 3 Months of The Achievers Collective Community at the ACCELERATE tier, which includes:

    • Weekly emails packed with themes and prompts to keep you moving forward.

    • Access to our Slack community where you can connect with others and ask questions 24/7.

    • Monthly deep-dive workshops led by Chris.

    • Discounted one-on-one sessions with Chris.

    • Monthly scheduled office hours for direct one-on-one guidance with Chris.

With the Achievers Collective Bundle, you’re not just signing up for courses… you’re investing in a transformative journey toward empowerment, clarity, and fulfillment.

“Working with Chris helped me pause and actually listen to what values may lead to a fulfilling career for me. [This] revealed the gaps I had and allowed me to move forward with intention.” -ZOE

Meet Chris

Hi, I’m Chris! I’m passionate about empowering high achievers like you to step off the overwhelming achievement treadmill and rediscover what truly fulfills you beyond your career.

For years, I found myself caught in the same cycle. Back in 2014, I had what many would consider a dream job - working at an amazing San Francisco advertising agency on award-winning campaigns for Google. From the outside, it looked perfect… the prestige, the excitement, and the thrill of a high-paced environment. But deep down, I knew something was missing. The success didn’t bring me the fulfillment I craved.

Then, my mom got sick, and everything shifted. I began to reflect on mortality, and realized that life is too short to sacrifice my happiness. That moment ignited a transformative journey for me, where I explored why high achievers like us often feel trapped and, more importantly, how we can break free from the pressures that bind us.

I invested time in understanding myself, unearthing my values, and letting go of the "shoulds" that had kept me stagnant. I learned valuable tools to cultivate self-trust and make choices aligned with my true desires. This process not only transformed my life, but also inspired me to found Empowered Achievers in 2016.

Over the past several years, I’ve had the privilege of helping countless individuals navigate the same challenges I faced: the relentless pressure to perform, the fear of failure, and the nagging sense that there’s more to life. Together, we’ve tackled the “head trash” - the people-pleasing tendencies, the perfectionism, and the harmful belief that our self-worth is tied to our job titles.

Through my own experiences and the framework I developed, I can help you shed that pressure, reignite your passion, and craft a life you truly love.

I can’t wait to guide you on your path to empowerment and fulfillment! Ready to find your community and embark on your own journey of transformation? Let’s get started!

What’s inside the Achievers Collective Bundle:

  • The Achiever’s Reset Workbook:

    The foundational piece of the Bundle, this workbook introduces you to the Achiever’s Reset Framework and guides you step by step through its application. By working through this workbook, you’ll gain clarity on how to make intentional, sustainable, and fulfilling choices in your career and life. You’ll uncover a clear process and the essential tools for each step, giving you a solid foundation for deeper exploration in the accompanying courses. With this, you’ll break free from the confusion and uncertainty that’s been holding you back.

  • Mastering Mindset:

    This deep dive course guides you through the process of identifying, unpacking, and reframing the limiting beliefs that hold you back in your career. rainBy engaging with this course, you’ll develop a resilient mindset that empowers you to overcome self-doubt and embrace challenges with confidence. You’ll gain practical strategies to shift your thinking, allowing you to approach your career with renewed clarity and purpose. Imagine finally quieting that inner critic and stepping into your true potential…

  • Purpose Chaser School:

    This self-study course helps high achievers rediscover their true selves and craft a personalized purpose statement that serves as your guiding “north star.” By engaging with this course, you’ll gain clarity on your values and what truly fulfills you, enabling you to make confident career decisions. You’ll explore your “how” needs to understand how work dynamics impact your fulfillment, empowering you to create a career that aligns with your authentic self. This journey will give you clarity on who you are and what you need, helping you break free from the “shoulds” you’ve been buried under.

  • Success on Your Terms:

    This mini exercise is designed to help you articulate your personal definition of success, allowing you to step away from societal expectations and “shoulds.” By participating in this exercise, you’ll clarify what truly matters to you, empowering you to make decisions that align with your values and aspirations. It complements the insights gained in Purpose Chaser School, providing you with a roadmap to create a career path that feels genuinely fulfilling. Say goodbye to chasing someone else’s version of success and embrace a path that resonates with your heart!

  • Empowered Interviewing:

    This toolkit equips you with the essential skills to ask insightful questions during interviews, ensuring you find a role that truly aligns with your values and needs. By engaging with this course, you’ll learn to navigate interviews as a two-way fit, empowering you to assess whether a position is right for you. You’ll identify your "must-haves," craft targeted questions, and use behavioral interviewing techniques to uncover the true dynamics of a workplace. With this knowledge, you’ll approach interviews with confidence and clarity, empowering you to find your perfect fit.

  • 3 Months of ACCELERATE Membership:

    This community membership offers ongoing support for those ready to reclaim control of their lives and careers, breaking free from the pressures of achievement. By joining the Accelerate Membership, you'll connect with a network of like-minded individuals focused on re-centering their lives. You’ll enjoy direct access to Chris, weekly educational content, and personalized Q&A sessions. This membership empowers you to build self-trust and make choices aligned with your true values, shifting from seeking external approval to embracing your unique path. You’ll never feel alone in your journey, and you’ll have the support you need to create lasting change.

Want to dive deeper into what each course offers? Click here for a breakdown of all courses.

Become the Architect of Your Life

Your transformative journey begins here.

Full Payment:

Take the next step toward empowerment, clarity, and fulfillment. Join the Achievers Collective Bundle Now!

Why Now?

Let’s be real: life is busy, and it’s all too easy to push your own needs to the back burner. If you're anything like most high achievers, you might be juggling work, a packed social calendar, and a laundry list of chores… all while trying to squeeze in some much needed self-care.

But here’s the truth: if you keep waiting for the “perfect time” to take control of your life, you might find yourself stuck in the same cycle of burnout and unfulfillment. There is no perfect time.

Now is the moment to prioritize yourself and your well-being. By joining the Achievers Collective Bundle today, you’re choosing to invest in your future and reclaim your power.

Imagine waking up each day with purpose and clarity, excited to take steps toward a life that aligns with your true values.

Don’t let another day pass without taking action. Your empowered future is just around the corner - let’s take that first step together!

“Before I joined, I felt stuck in my ‘dream job.’ Now, I have the clarity I was yearning for and a tangible plan to pivot into my desired career path.” 

When you join the Achievers Collective Bundle, you’re not just signing up for a series of courses… you’re embarking on a journey that will transform your career and life. 

You’ll walk away with:

  • A Clear Framework for Transformation: The Achiever’s Reset Framework provides you with a structured approach to reclaim control over your career and life.

  • Mastery of Your Mindset: Transform your thinking to overcome common high achiever challenges, effectively manage pressure, and reframe limiting beliefs. You’ll leave with a list of newly reframed beliefs to practice and integrate into your daily life, empowering you to cultivate a resilient mindset.

  • A Personalized Purpose Statement: Craft your unique purpose statement that serves as your guiding “north star,” providing clarity and direction in your career decisions.

  • Your Own Definition of Success: Articulate a personal definition of success that aligns with your true values, allowing you to pursue goals that genuinely resonate with who you are.

  • Enhanced Interviewing Skills: Develop the ability to confidently vet potential opportunities by mastering effective questioning techniques, ensuring that your next role aligns with your needs and values.

  • In-Depth Insights into Your Career Concerns: Differentiate between "what" and "how" issues, identifying essential logistical must-haves to create a fulfilling career path.

  • The Support of a Seasoned Coach and Community: Benefit from ongoing support through personalized Q&A sessions with Chris and connect with a relatable community of high achievers who understand your journey.

Ultimately, you’ll walk away with a profound sense of peace and confidence, knowing you have the tools and community support to navigate your unique path.

What some of our Achievers have to say...


Aerospace Company

"[This] provided me the very much needed permission and framework to focus on my career (and life) development. The steps provided and the way Chris supported me through those steps were truly life-changing. Before I was really struggling with where I had come so far and where I was headed, and had come to doubt every decision I had ever made. By the time I met Chris I was in analysis paralysis, not sure which way to go next or even how to figure it out... The program enabled me to strip away a lot of the doubts and baggage I was carrying around, most of which I didn't even consciously know about, and gain clarity about what I do want."


“Do not hesitate to work with Chris. [Before working together] I didn't think I had any other option than to feel dissatisfied with work. I genuinely believed that unhappiness meant that I was building security now for future happiness. We dismantled the metaphorical chains, and Chris helped me prioritize changing my mindset and setting priorities that aligned with my values and what I really needed. Having someone on your team makes a huge difference.”


eCommerce agency

"This work helped me adjust in ways I did not expect... It helped my mentality, while simultaneously building accountability for checking in on myself. It has taught me how to let go of building the career I felt like I "should" be building and embrace the career that I want to build for me. After this, I am happily settling into my role and my day to day responsibilities knowing I can change my mind and decide again when I am ready. This is not something I would have ever been able to do while constantly chasing that next raise, promotion, and accolade. I am able to embrace my free time well spent with family, friends and dogs - lots of them without feeling guilty about the email I left in my inbox to deal with the next day. My quality of life is exponentially higher and I feel so at peace for someone who is beyond Type A :)"


Healthcare Company

"After going through the course and working with Chris, I was able to shift my mindset and feel confident in making decisions for ME, not for everyone else. I now have a clear understanding of who I am at my best and can make career choices that are aligned with my true self. As a result of this program, I was able to make a change that will put me one step closer in the direction of a fulfilling career. Chris is an amazing coach and I am so happy I decided to work with her!"



"Working with Chris has equipped me with a lifelong toolbox - not a quick fix bandaid - on who I am at my best, and what I can do and where I can be to let this being of mine shine."

Invest in your future today!

Pricing for the Achievers Collective Bundle

Join the Achievers Collective Bundle and unlock the path to empowerment, clarity, and fulfillment at an incredible value.

What you get Price Value
The Achiever’s Reset Workbook $47 $100
Mastering Mindset $327 $500
Purpose Chaser School $197 $400
Success on Your Terms $37 $75
Empowered Interviewing $57 $150
3 months of ACCELERATE membership $291 $825

Estimated Value: $2,050


(By choosing the bundle, you save over $1,200 off the total estimated value!)

By investing in the Achievers Collective Bundle, you're taking a significant step toward reclaiming control of your career and life. The skills and insights you'll gain will empower you to navigate your unique path toward fulfillment.

Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life - join the Achievers Collective Bundle today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What makes The Achievers Collective different?
The Achievers Bundle is crafted specifically for folks facing unique challenges such as people-pleasing, burnout, analysis paralysis, and imposter syndrome. It goes beyond generic advice, offering a tailored approach to address the root causes of these issues.

I work with a therapist. Is this the same?
Many of my clients work with therapists as well, as this program serves a different purpose. Therapists typically focus on the past, while coaching is future-oriented. We’ll explore your past only as it relates to your career decisions, helping you gain insights to move forward.

Will this program help me set my career path, like a traditional career coach?
This program lays the groundwork for creating a more engaging, authentic career, but it is not strictly a career coaching program. Our focus is on alleviating pressure and decentering your career, which may lead to a job change but is primarily about empowering you to take charge of your own journey.

Can I purchase individual courses from the Collective Bundle separately?
Yes, each course is available for individual purchase. However, the bundle provides exceptional value by combining all courses at a discounted rate, plus you gain access to the Achievers Collective community for support!

What if it’s not the right time? I’m so busy!
Let’s be real: life is busy, and it’s easy to feel like there’s never a perfect time. But if you keep postponing your growth, you might find yourself stuck in the same cycle of burnout and unfulfillment. Investing time in yourself now can lead to transformative changes in the long run. Many past clients initially felt overwhelmed by their schedules, but ended up saying this was the best investment they ever made.

How long will it take?
The courses are designed to fit into busy schedules. On average, plan for about 2 hours per week for optimal engagement, but you can customize the pace to what works best for you.

Is the Collective Community only available for 3 months?
No, the three months of exclusive access to The Achievers Collective is an initial bonus. After that period, you can continue your membership at a discounted rate, allowing you to maintain the connections and support you’ve built.

Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of the self-study programs being downloadable, there are no refunds available for this program.

What if I’ve tried self-help books and free resources before?
Self-help books and resources can be valuable, but they often lack the personalized support and accountability that this program provides. The Achievers Collective Bundle offers a structured approach, tailored guidance, and a supportive community, ensuring that you’re not just consuming information, but actively applying it to create real change in your life.

How do I know if this program is right for me?
If you’re a high performer feeling stuck, burned out, or unfulfilled, and you’re ready to take control of your career and life, this program is designed for you. It’s perfect for those seeking clarity, empowerment, and actionable steps toward a more fulfilling path.

Will I have direct access to Chris?
Yes! You will have access to personalized Q&A sessions with Chris, along with ongoing support through the Achievers Collective community. This means you’ll never feel alone in your journey. Help is always just a message away!

Ready to become the CEO of your own life?

The Achievers Collective Bundle offers more than just relief from burnout… it’s your roadmap to reclaiming your power and designing a life that aligns with your true values.

If you’re tired of feeling unfulfilled and know it’s time for a change, don’t wait any longer. Join us in The Achievers Collective and take the first step toward a balanced and fulfilling career and life.

Your future self will thank you for starting now.

Full Payment:

“I felt like I was stuck! Stuck in my head, stuck in people's expectations for me... Chris has been such an amazing partner on this journey and I feel like I know myself 100x better.” - KENNEDY